

Public or private non-profit organizations that actively participate in the conservation of the territory.

Land stewardship entities are public or private non-profit organisations actively participating in land conservation. Organisations as diverse as a neighbourhood association, a conservation organisation, a foundation, a city council, a consortium, and other types of public bodies can act as a stewardship entity.

There are 218 entities with custodianship arrangements registered in the latest inventory.

Of these, 146 (66.9%) are registered in the category of associations/NGOs. Foundations with agreements total 36 (16.5%). In addition, from the business sector there are four cooperatives (1.8%) contributing to the social economy approach to land stewardship.

The public sector as a stewardship entity is represented by 29 institutions (13%), of which 24 are local authorities, three are regional governments, and two are other public bodies.

Finally, there are entities in the communal or community sector that do not fit into either the public or the private sector. These are three Comunidades de Montes Vecinales en Mano Común de Galicia.

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